Pizze - Pizza
Alle pizzaer kan laves glutenfri for en merpris på kr. 25,-
40. Pizza Margherita ....................................................... kr. 99,-
Ost og tomat
Cheese and tomato
41. Pizza Napoli ................................................................ kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, ansjoser, capers og hvidløg
Cheese, tomato, anchovy and garlic
42. Vegtariana ................................................................... kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, champignon, peberfrugt og løg
Cheese, tomato, mushroom, pepper and onion
43. Pizza Capricciosa ...................................................... kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, skinke og champignon
Cheese, tomato, ham and mushroom
44. Pizza Natale ............................................................... kr. 139,-
Ost, tomat, lufttørret skinke og champignon
Cheese, tomato, airdried ham and mushroom
45. Pizza Mamma Mia ..................................................... kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, oksekød og løg
Cheese, tomato, shopped beef and onion
46. Pizza Quattro Stagioni ............................................. kr. 139
Ost, tomat, champignon, skinke, rejer og peberfrugt
Cheese, tomato, mushroom, ham, schrimps and peppers
47. Pizza Mafiosa ............................................................ kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, skinke, løg og hvidløg
Cheese, tomato, ham, onion and garlic
48. Pizza Calzone Farcito .............................................. kr. 139,-
Indbagt med ost, tomat, rejer, champignon og skinke
Folded with cheese, tomato, schrimps, mushroom and ham
48A. Pizza Calzone Special .......................................... kr. 139,-
Indbagt med ost, tomat, spaghetti og kødsauce
Folded with cheese, tomato, spaghetti and meatsauce
49. Pizza Fantasia ......................................................... kr. 149,-
Vælg mellem 4 forskellige ting ( oksefilet og lufttørret skinke merpris kr. 10,-)
Select 4 different kind of things (beeffilet and airdried ham you pay more 10,-)
50. Pizza Al Pollo ........................................................... kr. 129,-
Ost, tomat, kylling, bacon og champignon
Cheese, tomato, chicken, bacon and mushroom
51. Pizza Italia ................................................................ kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, pølser, bacon og champignon
Cheese, tomato, sausage, bacon and mushroom
52. Pizza President ....................................................... kr. 139,-
Ost, tomat, skinke, rejer, løg, peberfrugt og champignon
Cheese, tomato, ham, schrimps, onion, peppers and mushroom
53. Pizza Pepperoni ...................................................... kr. 119,-
Ost, tomat, salami og løg
Cheese, tomato, salami and onion
54. Pizza Veneziana ...................................................... kr. 139,-
Ost, tomat og alt godt fra havet med hvidløg
Cheese, tomato, seafood and garlic
55. Pizza Del Diavolo ................................................... kr. 139,-
Ost, tomat, bacon, pølse, oksekød, chili og hvidløg (stærk)
Cheese, tomato, bacon, sausage, chopped meat, chili and garlic (spicy)
56. Pizza Gorgonzola .................................................. kr. 149,-
Ost, tomat, gorgonzola og oksefilet i skiver
Cheese, tomato, gorgonzola and beeffilet in slices
57. Pizza Awajana ....................................................... kr. 129,-
Ost, tomat, rejer, skinke og ananas
Cheese, tomato, schrimps, ham and pineapple
58. Pizza Bismark ....................................................... kr. 129,-
Ost, tomat, oksekød, bacon og spejlæg
Cheese, tomato, chopped meat and fried egg
59. Pizza Lone ............................................................. kr. 149,-
Ost, tomat, lufttørret skinke, rucola, frisk tomat og groftrevet parmesan
Cheese, tomato, airdried ham, rucola, fresh tomato and parmesan
60. Pizza Cille .............................................................. kr. 149,-
Ost, tomat, stærk italiensk salami, frisk hakket tomat og rucolasalat
Cheese, tomato, spicy italian salami, fresh tomato and rucolasalad
- Antipasti - Forretter - Vorspeisen - First courses
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- Carne - Kødretter - Fleischgerichte - Meatdishes
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- Pizze - Pizza
- Formaggio - Ost - Käse - Cheese
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